Thank you for requesting your catalogs

For your interest in our catalogs!
Your catalogs will arrive in approximately 2 weeks and a confirmation will arrive in a few minutes by email.
We will call you within the next 3 weeks to confirm that you have received them and to personally welcome you to the Intima family!
You can NOW buy the products from our catalogs at wholesale prices!
Or call us at 1.877.426.2627 . We are at your disposal to help you grow your business. Your success is the most important thing to us.
Only 1 set of catalogs will be sent per person. If you need more catalogs, please contact us.
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About Intima Hogar
We are a company with more than 40 years in the white goods market. We sell the best Coverlets, Bedspreads and Duvets on the market and offer the opportunity to start a business selling our products.
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